Fallout: New Vegas and TTW Mods
Player Homes

Arefu Shack Player Home - TTW
A small shack player home has been added to the far end of the Arefu overpass, just beyond the home of the West family. It is not as fully featured as some of my other player homes (no inventory system for starters) but provides a functional and comfortable waypoint in a section of the map where I’ve always wanted a small place to rest up. To obtain the key, you must complete (not fail) the Blood Ties quest
Rivet City Loft Player Home - TTW
The Rivet City Loft is a mid-sized, fully furnished player home inside Rivet City. You’ll be spending a lot of time in around Rivet City, so why not have a comfortable place to call your own rather than than spending all those caps on a filthy hotel bed? Buy the key from Seagrave, as well as a few optional upgrades.
The Loft includes an inventory sorting system which places your items into the appropriate named containers, a Bobblehead display shelf, dynamic weapon displays, workbenches, repair tools, a working shower that grants buffs for 12 hours (+1 CHR, +5 Speech. +5 Barter) and much more. Purchasable upgrades include a My First Infirmary, My First Laboratory and Chemistry Set.
Junkflea Player Home Redux - The Frontier
This mod is a complete overhaul and redesign of the player home that can be purchased at Junkflea. It is no longer a dismal single room, and now has many quality-of-life features that make it ideal for a main base or way station on your journey to somewhere else. A new workroom has been added and the cell has been renamed to “Junkflea Hideout.” A new second entrance has been added that places you around the corner from the Junkflea main gate, negating the need to go through three load doors to get into your house.
Metro Hideout Player Home - The Frontier
The Metro Hideout is a small, dimly lit, fully functional player home for your time in The Frontier. It can serve as a main base, or as a temporary home until you get access to something larger.
It includes an inventory sorting system which places your items into the appropriate named containers, workbenches, repair tools, and more.
The Metro Hideout is located in the collapsed Metro station near the Old Pawn Shop, just east of RobCo Tower and Hosford-Abernathy Commandery.
Trail of Crumbs Bunker Redux Player Home - TTW
This is an upgrade to the player home bunker given as a reward at the end of the A Trail of Crumbs quest mod. The bunker has been fully redesigned with two new rooms and a few QOL enhancements.
I've added two additional rooms (bathroom and work room), a hot plate, Repair Tools, My First Infirmary, My First Laboratory, working light switches, Dynamic Weapon Displays and more.
The Sink Redux Player Home - TTW
A large-scale upgrade for the Sink to turn it into a fully functional player home suitable as your main base eve after completing the Old World Blues DLC. I've added an extra room which not only has an actual bathroom, but also contains a small lab area with a special space for Muggy. Other additions include an inventory sorting system, dynamic weapon displays, working shower that gives a CHR/INT boost and much more.
This version of the Sink has far more features and functionality than the vanilla. Once the Old World Blues DLC is completed, the features added by the mod combined with the fully active Sink personalities makes the Sink a very appealing location to function as a main player home.
The Scavenger's Safehouse Player Home - TTW
Scavenger's Safehouse was my very first Fallout 3 player home mod. After releasing 19 player home mods for Fallout 4, it's time to expand my real estate holdings into the Capital Wasteland. This is a conversion of the FO3 mod for TTW v3.3.2 and later.
The Scavenger's Safehouse is a mid-sized bunker style player home located on the eastern side of the Capital Wasteland.
Capital Wasteland Hideouts - TTW
Capital Wasteland Hideouts is a collection of 10 small way station player homes that offer places to safely store your stuff until you can get to your main base (or until you can acquire one). They are great places to sleep, rest up and catch your breath. The Hideouts will not feature the scripted inventory sorting system of my other player home mods, but they do offer many other quality-of-life features.
The Scavenger's Safehouse is a mid-sized bunker style player home located on the eastern side of the Capital Wasteland.
Outcasts' Hideout - FNV / TTW
The Outcasts' Hideout is a large bunker style player home located on the outskirts of Boulder City. It is designed to act as a main base for your Courier with many amenities and scripted quality-of-life features, including a Commissary terminal similar to those from the Lonesome Road DLC.
The former residents were a group of Brotherhood of Steel Outcasts from the Capital Wasteland who made their way to the Mojave. They have returned to DC after realizing the Outcasts were brought back into the fold, with one of their former members left behind to an uncertain fate...and holding the key card to the player home.
Nellis Quonset Hut - FNV
The Nellis Quonset Hut is located right next to the Boomer Museum at Nellis Air Force Base. It's a small but functional home, providing all you need to make your time at Nellis more enjoyable.
To gain access to the Quonset Hut, you will need to boost your reputation with the Boomers. Once you're Liked by the Boomers, the key will be added to the mailbox in front of the Quonset hut and you get a notification pop-up.
Bonnie Springs Mini Bunker - TTW
The Bonnie Springs Mini Bunker is located behind the ruined house adjacent to Spring Mountain Ranch State Park.
It's a simple, small player home, intended as a way station for you to rest and resupply while on your way to someplace else. No fancy scripted stuff, just a little bunker to hang out in.
MORE INFOTweaks and Fixes

Veronica's Fancy Dress - TTW
Make Veronica happy by buying her a fancy new dress from Bannon in Rivet City. Or if you’d rather, give her Vera’s Outfit from the Dead Money DLC. Either way, she will be very grateful for your thoughtfulness.
Explorer Atlas Map Marker Enabling - TTW
This mod offers an alternative to enabling all map markers besides taking the Explorer perk or enabling them with console commands. It adds a new purchasable book, the Explorer Atlas (appearing in vendor inventories at level 20), that enables all map markers when added to your inventory similar to the Explorer perk.
Mini Hideout Enhancements - TTW
This is a QOL feature add on for Cloudisms' TTW conversion of the Mini Hideout player home for Fallout 3 by Rayek. It adds an inventory sorting system, new named containers with custom textures, Repair Tools, new way to acquire the key and more.
Mobile Truck Base Sorting Add On - TTW
Adds the inventory sorting system from my TTW player homes to the Mobile Truck Base TTW 3.3 Community Preview Edition.
188 Trading Post NPCs Restored - FNV / TTW
Re-enables five NPCs at the 188 Trading Post which were disabled by Obsidian around the time Fallout: New Vegas originally shipped.
Essential NPCs - FNV
A simple JIP LN ScriptRunner script that sets several FNV NPCs to essential with no edits to vanilla records and no .esp file. Easy to add/remove NPCs as you see fit by simply editing a text file.
Works with both FNV and TTW, but currently only includes Mojave worldspace NPCs.
Todd and Josh Scold You for Leaving - FNV / TTW
A stupid simple JIP LN ScriptRunner mod (just a text file, no plugin) that changes the sPlayerLeavingBorderRegion game setting to display a personal message from either Todd Howard or Josh Sawyer when you hit the edge of the map. Obviously requires JIP LN.
Fallout 3 Style Lucky 8-Ball - TTW
I wanted to return some of the ways the Lucky 8-Ball worked in Fallout 3, namely to display the UI messages from FO3 when you add or remove the item to/from your inventory.

Willow-TTW Patch
A simple patch that fixes two minor issues using Willow with TTW:
1. Fixes the Big Guy's forehead clipping through his Old Cowboy Hat.
2. Fixes the Combat Shotgun you can get from Willow as a present to use the three IMODs added by TTW.

AWOP-Hidden Valley Player Bunker and Merchant Compatibility Patch
Small patch for compatibility between Hidden Valley Player Bunker and Merchant Roommate and AWOP FNV.
MORE INFOMusic and Sound

Fallout Classic Ambient Music for TTW Capital Wasteland
Adds the ambient music from Fallout and Fallout 2 to the Capital Wasteland in TTW.
Classic Fallout Death Sounds - FNV / TTW
Replaces FNV's single player death sound with a random Classic Fallout death narration by Ron Fucking Perelman.