Mobile Truck Base Sorting Add On - TTW
IMPORTANT! Since the mod makes changes to existing containers in the Mobile Truck Base, it it strongly recommended that you only install the sorting add on with a NEW playthrough ONLY. Otherwise improper container placement and missing items will likely result.
This small add on to the Mobile Truck Base TTW 3.3 Community Preview Edition brings the inventory sorting system from my TTW player homes to the MTB. Yes, I'm aware that Stash Organizer exists but I’m not interested in jumping through setup menus for the truck in every new playthrough. I just wanted a sorting system I was familiar with installed and ready to use, and that would let me sort individual inventory items. No configuration needed...just start sorting!
Apparently an early version of the original FNV MTB had a sorting system with static clutter and activator used to sort and display items. All of that is disabled in the current FNV and TTW versions, but still present in the truck interior cell so I’ve utilized what I could from those existing assets. There was also a disabled skill book/magazine storage container with clutter which I has re-implemented. This is not used by the sorting script, but restored simply because I would have added one anyway had it not already been there.
Items with the restored static clutter include: Gun Cabinet, Food and Ingredients, Aid and Chem Storage, Books/Magazine Storage. When items are stored in these containers, static clutter will appear. If the container is emptied, it will be disabled.
To use the sorting system, activate the Inventory Sorting Control on the workbench. When the container transfer menu opens, put the items you want sorted to the container and exit. You will be prompted to do nothing, add more items, or sort the items in the container.
See the screenshots in the IMGUR image gallery to see the location of the named storage containers.
Various items (Skill books/magazines, currency, bobby pins, Dead Money Gold Bars, etc.) will sort to the upper wall safe (labeled My Personal Safe) next to the refrigerator.
No changes beyond the sorting system and related containers have been made, and no other changes will be considered.
See the READ ME file included with the mod download for full details.
An optional patch for SawyerBatty is available which adds Expired and Homemade Stimpaks to the sorting form lists.
- Tale of Two Wastelands v3.3.2 or higher
- Mobile Truck Base TTW 3.3 Community Preview Edition on the TTW - Wasteland Supplements mod page
- JohnnyGuitar NVSE
- ShowOff NVSE
- v1.0 03-14-2023: Initial release
- tdx73 for the original FNV Mobile Truck Base mod
- eddoursul, pintocat and The Many for their work on the MTB conversion for TTW
- A huge THANK YOU to LlamaRCA for permission to use her inventory sorting script as the basis for the one used in this mod. It has been changed significantly, but the main core of the script was derived from hers.