Junkflea Player Home Redux - The Frontier
This mod is a complete overhaul and redesign of the player home that can be purchased at Junkflea. It is no longer a dismal single room, and now has many quality-of-life features that make it ideal for a main base or way station on your journey to somewhere else. A new workroom has been added and the cell has been renamed to “Junkflea Hideout.” A new second entrance has been added that places you around the corner from the Junkflea main gate, negating the need to go through three load doors to get into your house.
All lootable/havoked items have been turned into static items so they will no longer fly around the cell merely by looking at them. Most of the items that were previously lootable has been moved to containers.
NOTE: This mod should be used for use on a new playthrough ONLY. DO NOT use it if you have already purchased or entered the Junkflea Courier's Room cell!
Location and gaining entry :
The method for gaining access to the Junkflea player home has changed. You will still go through the Scav Bar via the Junkflea Market, but rather than a magic door that sells you the house on the spot, a note on the door now directs you to see Jeff the Bartender to purchase the key. The “key” item will be in the Misc. category of his inventory, along with optional upgrade purchases for a My First Infirmary, My First Laboratory and Chemistry Set. The upgrades can be purchased at any time. The price of the key has been increased significantly over the 100 caps of the base mod, and the price will vary based on your Barter skill. To change the price to your liking, edit the Value of MMTVJFRoomKeyMisc in xEdit.
A new second entrance has been added that places you around the corner from the main gate of Junkflea, so you no longer need to go through two load doors to get inside your home. The exterior load door is locked, and you must unlock it from the inside after purchasing the key. Upon exiting the new load door the first time, a new map marker will be enabled allowing you to fast travel directly to the Junkflea Hideout Entrance.
Mod Features:
- Fallout: New Vegas and all DLC
- The Frontier v0.5.5 and Hotfix 0.6.6
- JohnnyGuitar NVSE
- ShowOff NVSE
- v1.1 8-10-23: Initial release
In addition to my own custom assets and those already in The Frontier, assets from the following author’s modders resources were used. Many thanks to all of you for sharing your assets:
- - Chucksteel
- - Jokerine
- - LlamaRCA
- - Pixelhate
- - elr0y7 for permission to use the chemistry set cooldown script)
- - A huge THANK YOU to LlamaRCA for permission to use her inventory sorting script as the basis for the one used in this mod. It has been changed significantly, but the main core of the script was derived from hers.