Scavenger's Safehouse - TTW
IMPORTANT! v1.4 changes the cell ID and makes major changes to the sorting script and referenced containers, requiring you to only start using v1.4 with a new game. DO NOT update mid-playthrough! You have been warned.
This is my very first Fallout 3 player home mod. After releasing 19 player home mods for Fallout 4, it’s time to expand my real estate holdings into the Capital Wasteland. This is a conversion of the FO3 mod for TTW v3.3.2 and later.
The Scavenger’s Safehouse is a mid-sized bunker style player home located on the eastern side of the Capital Wasteland. It provides a place of refuge allowing you to catch up on your sleep, drop off some loot and do some trading with the resident merchant. It’s a gritty, dimly lit bunker. If you’re looking for a bright, cheery location this is probably not the mod for you.
The player home features several scripted features as well as an in-house merchant.
This mod is a “backported” version of my Scavenger’s Safehouse mod for Fallout 4. The Fallout 4 mod was heavily inspired by the Hidden Valley Player Bunker and Merchant Roommate mod for FNV by Rezthebear. I really wanted something similar in FO4. My Fallout 4 Scavenger’s Safehouse was the result.
Location and gaining entry :
The Scavenger’s Safehouse is located on the eastern side of the Capital Wasteland, directly east of Bethesda Ruins, and slightly northeast of the Chryslus Building. It is near the unmarked location where you can find the Stabhappy unique switchblade.
The sewer grate entrance is located on the backside of a ruined house just off the road. There is a discoverable map marker that will allow you to fast travel to the load door after you discover the location. Map location shown in the IMGUR image gallery.
The Safehouse requires you have an Average lock pick skill level to pick two locks. It also helps if you are good at detecting mines and have an Explosives skill of 30.
I originally created the player home for Fallout 3. The version has been converted for use with Tale of Two Wastelands v3.3.2, so obviously TTW is a hard requirement.
Optional patch for SawyerBatty is available: adds the Expired and Homemade Stimpaks to the sorting form lists and changes the Chemistry Set to create Homemade Stimpaks.
Mod Features:
- Fallout: New Vegas and all DLC
- Tale of Two Wastelands v3.3.2 or higher
- JohnnyGuitar NVSE
- ShowOff NVSE (required as of v1.4)
- v1.0 9-20-21: Initial Fallout 3 version release
- v1.1 10-25-21: Updated repair bench script to properly remove caps from player inventory
- v1.2 4-25-2022: converted for TTW 3.3; added FNV workbenches and weapon displays; rewrote inventory sorting script and added new sorting containers
- v1.2 5-22-2022: released for TTW 3.3.1
- 1.3 6-5-2022: Added persistent flag to weapon displays to fix an issue where the weapon meshes are not displayed after leaving the bunker cell and returning.
- v1.4 3-10-2023: Changes cell ID to not start with a zero; major overhaul of sorting script: container now sorts individual items added to it rather than entire categories of items at once; added ShowOff NVSE as a requirement on account of new sorting script functionality; added Chemistry Set with three day cooldown; changed Food Storage container name to to Food and Ingredients; added second storage container outside Bedroom; added Emergency Override switch to sorting container; new textures for cardboard boxes; acoustic zones for Bedroom and storage area changed for compatibility with Interior Rain; updated SawyerBatty patch to include Chemistry Set cooldown script dispensing Homemade Stimpaks, SawyerBatty patch version number will now be on parity with main mod
Rezthebear for the Fallout: New Vegas mod Hidden Valley Player Bunker and Merchant Roommate which was the inspiration for this mod and my Fallout 4 version.
As well as my own custom assets, assets from the following author's modders resources were used. Many thanks to all of you for sharing your work:
- - Hengebobs
- - Jokerine
- - Pixelhate
- - SpeedyB64
- - D_Ivanov
- - Ghogiel
- - hman101 (for the Dynamic Weapon Displays resource)
- - elr0y7 for permission to use the chemistry set cooldown script)
- - A huge THANK YOU to LlamaRCA for permission to use her inventory sorting script as the basis for the one used in this mod. It has been changed significantly, but the main core of the script was derived from hers.