Sink Redux Player HomeTTW
A large-scale upgrade for the Sink to turn it into a fully functional player home suitable as your main base even after completing the Old World Blues DLC. I’ve added an extra room which not only has an actual bathroom, but also contains a small lab area with a special space for Muggy. Other additions include an inventory sorting system, dynamic weapon displays, working shower that gives a CHR/INT boost and much more.
All rooms have been given varying levels of upgrading with new clutter and functionality. The Brain Tank room has only received a little cosmetic work, mainly to add some clutter. I felt that room didn’t require a total overhaul and since it is a very quest-centric area, it would be better to not change too much.
Nothing has been changed regarding the functionality of the various Sink personalities. Muggy and the Toaster have been moved from their vanilla locations and the Sink talking activator was given a new mesh. No other personalities have been changed.
Overall, this version of the Sink has far more features and functionality than the vanilla. Once the Old World Blues DLC is completed, the features added by the mod combined with the fully active Sink personalities makes the Sink a very appealing location to function as a main player home.
NOTE: Obviously, this mod will conflict with mods that make changes to the Sink cell (NVDLC03TheSink).
Since this mod is an extensive overhaul of a vanilla location, it should only be installed/used if you have NOT started the Old World Blues DLC and entered the Sink.
Most items are static, but there are many lootable containers. Lootable items from the vanilla cell have been moved into containers.
Optional patch for SawyerBatty TTW is available: adds the Expired and Homemade Stimpaks to the sorting form lists, adds Homemade Stimpaks to Chemistry Set.
Mod Features:
- Fallout: New Vegas and all DLC
- Tale of Two Wastelands v3.3.2 or higher
- JohnnyGuitar NVSE
- ShowOff NVSE
- v1.0 10-16-22: Initial release
- v1.0 10-16-22: Removed Encounter Zone from Sink cell that potentially prevented the CUI inventory from respawning, since the vendor container is in the same cell and I don’t feel like moving it.
As well as my own custom assets, assets from the following author's modders resources were used. Many thanks to all of you for sharing your work:
- - Hengebobs
- - Jokerine
- - Pixelhate (plus a special thank you for help with mesh optimization)
- - SpeedyB64
- - Falcon8204
- - VaiNs
- - Chucksteel
- - ViperMX
- - LlamaRCA
- - elr0y7 (for the Chemistry Set Cooldown script)
- - hman101 (for the Dynamic Weapon Displays resource)
- - A huge THANK YOU to LlamaRCA for permission to use her inventory sorting script as the basis for the one used in this mod. It has been changed significantly, but the main core of the script was derived from hers.