188 Trading Post NPCs Restored - FNV / TTW
A simple mod that re-enables five NPCs at the 188 Trading Post which were disabled by Obsidian around the time Fallout: New Vegas originally shipped. They are sill placed into the cell, but have the Initially Disabled flag applied. I’ve removed that flag so they now appear in the game as originally intended.
There are likely other mods that do this, but in the time it would have taken me to find one and test it, I just made my own.
The NPCs that have bee re-enabled are:
All NPCs are unchanged from their original records with the exception of 188CivilianUnhappyB, the female Traveler. She was set to have the same outfit as the 188CivilianUnhappyB "Destitute Traveler," so she now wears the Wasteland Wanderer outfit for some variety.
188GunrunnerGuardNightA is a cut Gun Runner night guard who will sleep during the day and guard Alexander at night. She’ll also sandbox around a bit between guard duty shifts.
TTW Version available:
A version for use with TTW 3.3.x is available. It forwards the changes from TTW for the 188CivilianHopefulB’s Class record, as well as the worldspace data changes (Water and LOD Water Type) for WastelandNV.
- FNV Version requires only the base game.
- TTW version requires TTW v3.3.x and all of its requirements.
- v1.0 05-29-22: Initial release