Arefu Shack Player Home - TTW
A small shack player home has been added to the far end of the Arefu overpass, just beyond the home of the West family. It is not as fully featured as some of my other player homes (no inventory system for starters) but provides a functional and comfortable waypoint in a section of the map where I’ve always wanted a small place to rest up.
This mod is heavily inspired by an old Fallout 3 mod I used to use back in the day: Arefu House by chevyordeath.
Although the shack is fully navmeshed for companions, it is very small and can get crowded with too many companions following you inside. In my play testing, two human followers are the max I’d recommend bringing inside.
Location and gaining entry :
The Arefu Shack is located on the Arefu Overpass, just past the home of the West family. It is a newly added shack with a bus shelter behind it housing the crafting and repair benches as well as some storage.
The Shack is locked when you first discover it. To obtain the key, you must complete (not fail) the Blood Ties quest without the town hating you. In other words, do not kill The Family at Maresti! The final quest objective will be to return to Arefu and speak with Evan King. After speaking with him and completing the quest, you will receive a pop-up notification about the town rewarding you with the Shack and the key will be added to your inventory.
If for whatever reason the key does not appear in your inventory, or you want to complete the quest in a manner other than described above, you can use the following console command to add the key to your inventory: player.additem MMTVArefuShackKey
Any mod that makes changes to the Arefu Overpass may conflict with this mod, depending on what that mod changes. Anything changing the portion of the Overpass used by this mod will most certainly conflict. I do not use (and have not tested) any other Arefu mods so can't otherwise comment on compatibility. I will not make patches for other Arefu mods since I don’t use them. You’re on your own for that.
SIDE NOTE ON EXTERIOR NAVMESHING: I have not changed, edited or otherwise touched any of the exterior navmesh. All of the new exterior assets have just been put into place over the existing navmesh with no changes. Admittedly not the best thing to do, but I didn’t feel this mod was worth making any navmesh changes to the worldspace and introducing potential issues/conflicts. The end result is that companions may try to walk through the newly added items, get stuck on corners, etc. I have added a collision marker that should help prevent them from getting stuck in certain areas of the exterior.
Optional patch for SawyerBatty is available: changes the Chemistry Set to create Homemade Stimpaks.
Mod Features:
- Fallout: New Vegas and all DLC
- Fallout 3 and all DLC
- Tale of Two Wastelands v3.3.2 or higher
- v1.0 3-31-24: Initial release
As well as my own custom assets, assets from the following author's modders resources were used. Many thanks to all of you for sharing your work:
- - Chucksteel
- - Jokerine
- - Pixelhate
- - elr0y7 for permission to use the chemistry set cooldown script)