Mini Hideout Enhancements - TTW
IMPORTANT! Because this mod makes changes to containers and other items in the Mini Hideout cell that may be save baked, it is highly recommended that it be used on a new playthrough ONLY.
This is not a standalone mod! It requires you have Cloudisms' Rayek's Mini Hideout - TTW Conversion installed.
This is a QOL feature add on for Cloudisms' great TTW conversion (v1.1) of the Mini Hideout player home for Fallout 3 by Rayek. It adds an inventory sorting system, new named containers with custom textures, Repair Tools, new way to acquire the key and more.
Mini Hideout has always been one of my favorite player home mods for any game, and I was happy to see Cloudisms make an updated and well-made conversion for TTW. The changes/additions that I've made are mostly things I wanted to do with the FO3 version, but never got around to before switching to TTW.
The lighting, ambiance and general aesthetic of the original Fallout 3 mod was retained in the Coudisms TTW conversion and I've tried to maintain all of that with this add on mod, since those elements are why I love the original so much.
Location and gaining entry :
The Mini Hideout is still in its original location of Springvale, beneath the remnants of the Red Rocket service station. The only exterior changes I've made are moving some clutter to make it less intrusive around the entrance to the player home.
I have changed how you get the key which grants you access to the Mini Hideout. The original Fallout 3 mod (and TTW conversion) places the key in a mailbox directly across the street from the Hideout location. This mod moves the key to the hollowed-out rock outside of Megaton.
Optional patch for SawyerBatty is available: adds the Expired and Homemade Stimpaks to the sorting form lists and changes the Chemistry Set to create Homemade Stimpaks.
Mod Features:
The main addition is the addition of the inventory sorting system I use in many of my other TTW player home mods. The sorting container in the entrance way will place your items into the proper named containers located around the main living/dining room of the Hideout. The list of additions and changes is as follows:
- Fallout: New Vegas and all DLC
- Tale of Two Wastelands v3.3.2 or higher
- Rayek's Mini Hideout-TTW Conversion by Cloudisms (v1.1)
- JohnnyGuitar NVSE
- ShowOff NVSE
- v1.0 3-19-23: Initial release
As well as my own custom assets, assets from the following author's modders resources were used. Many thanks to all of you for sharing your work:
- - Chucksteel
- - Jokerine
- - LlamaRCA
- - Pixelhate
- - elr0y7 for permission to use the chemistry set cooldown script)
- - Rayek for the original Fallout 3 Mini Hideout, which I used in many, many playthroughs and is still one of my all-time favorite player homes. Mini Hideout was always, and will continue to be, an inspiration and influence for my own mods.
- - Cloudisms for sharing a modern and well-made port of Mini Hideout for TTW. Many thanks for your time and effort in making this home available for TTW. You spared me from doing the conversion myself. :-)
- - A huge THANK YOU to LlamaRCA for permission to use her inventory sorting script as the basis for the one used in this mod. It has been changed significantly, but the main core of the script was derived from hers.