AWOP-Hidden Valley Player Bunker and Merchant Compatibility Patch
This small patch adds compatibility between A World of Pain and the Hidden Valley Player Bunker and Merchant Roommate player home mod by adding a second load door to the bunker.
NOTE: This patch is 100% incompatible with A World of (Less) Pain - A Lore Friendly AWOP Revision. Also incompatible with TTW because AWOPFNV is not compatible with TTW.
The World of Pain cell for Redoubt 0291A contains a load door connecting to the vanilla game’s HiddenValleyBunker3 cell. The Hidden Valley Player Bunker and Merchant Roommate player home mod renames and re-purposes this cell for the player home. The player home mod removes sections of the vanilla cell that the load door from AWOP is connected to. The end result is you load into the bunker cell from Redoubt 0291A and spawn on the edge of a rubble pile staring into an empty grey void.
This patch adds a new load door (floor hatch) at the top of the stairs which is linked to the AWOP load door in Redoubt 0291A. Instead of spawning on the edge of Oblivion, you now spawn at the top of the stairs leading down to the bunker, and your new roommate/merchant Stella.
- Fallout: New Vegas and All DLC
- A World of Pain, v6.9 or later
- Hidden Valley Player Bunker and Merchant Roommate
- v1.0 04-28-20: Initial release