Trail of Crumbs Bunker Redux - TTW
IMPORTANT! This mod completely reworks the player bunker cell in A Trail of Crumbs TTW and should only be used if you have not acquired and entered the bunker. A new playthrough is strongly recommended to avoid any issues from adding the mod mid-game.
This is an upgrade to the player home bunker given as a reward at the end of the A Trail of Crumbs quest mod. The bunker has been fully redesigned with two new rooms and a few QOL enhancements.
Roy Batty's TTW conversion of A Trail of Crumbs was my introduction to the mod, as I never played Mike Hancho's original for Fallout 3. I find Trail of Crumbs to be incredibly fun, and it introduced me to vanilla cells I had never actually bothered with before. My only gripe was the player home (a little bunker at Fort Constantine) given as a reward. It felt...lacking. So I made it the way I would have done it.
I've added two additional rooms (bathroom and work room), I've added a hot plate, Repair Tools, My First Infirmary, My First Laboratory, working light switches, Dynamic Weapon Displays and more.
None of loot found in the original bunker has been removed, but most has moved to containers. Other than weapons, armor and skill books/magazines, the displayed loot is now static. Ammo boxes and weapon/armor shelves have been moved into the new workroom. Food and drink loot has been moved to the kitchen cabinet. The two first aid kits have been moved into the bathroom. I've also placed a few lootable skill books and magazines, as well as a Robco jumpsuit with a +5 Repair bonus to get the most of the Repair tools.
Dynamic Weapon Displays have been added to show off some of the guns found in the bunker, and you will still get the set of Bad Ass armor.
Unlike most of my other player homes, I didn't add an inventory sorting system to the Crumbs Bunker. I suggest using Stash Organizer if you want that functionality.
Location and gaining entry :
Nothing has been changed in regards to how you gain access to the bunker: play the A Trail of Crumbs mod, and you will be told when you have the key to access the bunker. (Hint: the bunker is part of the reward for finishing the quests that are in A Trail of Crumbs.)
Mod Features:
- Fallout: New Vegas and all DLC
- Tale of Two Wastelands v3.3.2 or higher
- A Trail of Crumbs TTW
- v1.0 3-24-23: Initial release
Mike Hancho for not only the original Fallout 3 Trail of Crumbs mod, but also for your Fallout: New Vegas and Skyrim mods which have added countless hours of added gameplay.
Roy Batty for the TTW conversion of A Trail of Crumbs as well as for...well, everything you do to keep this game alive and evolving.
As well as my own custom assets, assets from the following author's modders resources were used. Many thanks to all of you for sharing your work:
- - Hengebobs
- - Jokerine
- - Pixelhate
- - hman101 (for the Dynamic Weapon Displays resource)