Rivet City Loft Player Home - TTW
The Rivet City Loft is a mid-sized, fully furnished player home inside Rivet City. You’ll be spending a lot of time in around Rivet City, so why not have a comfortable place to call your own rather than than spending all those caps on a filthy hotel bed? Buy the key from Seagrave, as well as a few optional upgrades.
The Loft includes an inventory sorting system which places your items into the appropriate named containers, a Bobblehead display shelf, dynamic weapon displays, workbenches, repair tools, a working shower that grants buffs for 12 hours (+1 CHR, +5 Speech. +5 Barter) and much more. Purchasable upgrades include a My First Infirmary, My First Laboratory and Chemistry Set.
Location and gaining entry :
To gain access to the Rivet City Loft you must purchase the key from Seagrave. (technically it is a MISC item that puts the key in your inventory when purchased, since the engine prevents vendors from selling actual keys). Purchase price of the key item is set to 2500 and will vary based on your Barter skill. To adjust the purchase price to your liking, edit the Value of MMTVRCLoftKeyMiscItem in xEdit.
Once you purchase the key, go into the Stairwell and unlock the door to your new home.
Rivet City Loft has two entrances, one in the Stairwell and another outside Anacostia Station which has a discoverable map marker. The exterior entrance (hatch across the street from the Metro station) requires you to have already purchased the key and unlocked it from the player home interior. The map marker is enabled after you exit the exterior door for the first time.
SIDE NOTE: I’ve found the hit squad spawn outside Anacostia Station to be very annoying when exiting the Loft via the exterior load door. I’ve made an optional .esp file available that disables the hit squad spawn activators for both the Regulators and Talon Company at this location. This will only work on a new game since the triggers are persistent and are save baked, meaning they will not be disabled by the plugin in games where the hit squad had already spawned at Anacostia. This file can be used on its own and does not require the Rivet City Loft (or anything beyond TTW) as a master.
Optional patch for SawyerBatty is available: adds the Expired and Homemade Stimpaks to the sorting form lists and changes the Chemistry Set to create Homemade Stimpaks.
Mod Features:
- Fallout: New Vegas and all DLC
- Tale of Two Wastelands v3.3.2 or higher
- JohnnyGuitar NVSE
- ShowOff NVSE
- v1.0 4-14-23: Initial release
As well as my own custom assets, assets from the following author's modders resources were used. Many thanks to all of you for sharing your work:
- - Chucksteel
- - Falcon8204
- - Hengebobs
- - Jokerine
- - LlamaRCA
- - Pixelhate
- - Vains
- - ViperMX
- - hman101 (for the Dynamic Weapon Displays resource)
- - elr0y7 for permission to use the chemistry set cooldown script)
- - A huge THANK YOU to LlamaRCA for permission to use her inventory sorting script as the basis for the one used in this mod. It has been changed significantly, but the main core of the script was derived from hers.