Essential NPCs - FNV
A simple JIP LN ScriptRunner script that sets several FNV NPCs to essential with no edits to vanilla records and no .esp file. Easy to add/remove NPCs as you see fit by simply editing a text file.
Works with both FNV and TTW, but currently only includes Mojave worldspace NPCs.
The ScriptRunner file included with the mod (gr_ prefix) is intended for use on a NEW Game. If you want to use the mod on an in-progress game, you must change the gr_ prefix to gl_ otherwise the essential flag will not be applied to the NPCs.
You can easily check to make sure the script is working by selecting an NPC in the console and entering:
then hitting Enter. If the script is properly applying the Essential flag, the console will return a value of 1. If it is not, the value will be 0 (1 for on, 0 for off).
NPCs included in this version
Adding/Removing NPCs:
If you want to add an NPC, you can copy/paste one of the lines of the script and replace the existing NPC with the FormID or EditorID of the desired NPC. Then save the file. The list of NPCs currently included in the mod is shown below:
- setessential GSSunnySmiles 1
- setessential GSCheyenne 1
- setessential GSTrudy 1
- setessential GnGLupe 1
- setessential GnGFitz 1
- setessential AdaStraus 1
- FNV or TTW
- JIP LN NVSE Plugin
- JohnnyGuitar NVSE
- v1.0 05-29-22: Initial release